Histamine in Blood


Histamine in Blood

Histamine is a chemical messenger that mediates a wide range of cellular responses, including allergic an inflammatory reactions, gastric acid secretion and possibly neurotransmission in parts of the brain. Histamine is a poweful vasodilator. It is formed of histidine and secreted by mast cells as a result of allergic reactions or trauma.

Three main biotypes had been identified among schizophrenic patients around the histamine axis with biochemical abnormalities which are also seen among the population at large:

–        Patients with low blood histamine (histapenia; about 50%): these paranoid and hallucinatory patients are low in serum folate and high in creatine phosphokinase (CPK), serum copper and ceruloplasm The patients sensitive to wheat gluten represent a special group of the histapenic patients.

–        The high histamine group (histadelia; about 20%) has suicidal depression tendency. The blood histamine is contained in the basophils, so they frequently have high basophil counts. Their serum copper is low or normal.

–        The persons with pyroluria (30-40%) are normal in histamine and normal in trace elements except for those who are low in serum zinc. The mauve factor in their urine depletes them of zinc and pyridoxine (B6). Their insight and affect are usually better than of other schizophrenic types

Low histamine and high histamine are not necessarily pathological conditions but help define the three main biotypes outlined above, which may be associated with conditions amenable to dietary or other treatment.


–        Allergy

–        Paranoia and hallucination

–        Suicidal depression

–        Schizophrenia

–        Stress

–        Lyme disease and hyper/hypo-methylation


–        Methylation pathway panel

–        Kryptopyrrol (Mauve factor) in urine

–        Vitamins in blood

–        Elements/toxical elements in blood

–        Amino acids in urine (esp methionine and histidine).

–        Food allergy IgE/IgG4 panel


Histamine in whole blood is measured directly by utilizing high sensitivity and high specificity LC/MSMS methodology. This methodology was validated against Dr. Karl Pfeiffer’s method for total whole blood histamine determination.

Material required

1mL of whole blood (EDTA tube)Ordering information

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